/> -40C DEGREES 20-FOOT HIGH CUBE CONTAINER FREEZER – cbd-hub-international.com


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-40C Degrees 20-foot High Cube Container Freezer perfect for storing large amounts of fresh frozen biomass or cryogenic ethanol for high volume extraction, which would significantly speed up throughput by avoiding long wait times while the ethanol cools down. Also serves as an ultracold workspace.  The unit contains Three (3) Thermo King MagnumPlus refer units, each capable of chilling down to -40C. Power is 3P 460V (-40/+30V). The flooring is aluminum diamond checker plate. The walls and roof are 6-inch insulated panels. This kickass piece of equipment is basically a flash freezer, with 12kw of chilling power at -35C (36kw of chilling at 1C).  

Important Note: This Unit is Brand New Never Used. It is being liquidated by the original manufacturer. The original buyer paid the deposit, then abandoned the project halfway through. The original manufacturer can provide parts and maintenance.  

Package Includes: 

  • One, -40C Degrees 20-foot High Cube Container Freezer. 
  • Three, Thermo King MagnumPlus refer units, each with capability to chill down to -40C. Power is 3P 460V (-40/+30V). 
  • Flooring aluminum diamond checker plate. 
  • Walls and roof 6-inch insulated panels. 

The liquidation price of the equipment is USD112,500, which is 50% Off the invoiced price of the equipment, or a USD112k discount.